
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Thing 19

<embed wmode="opaque" src="http://static.ning.com/socialnetworkmain/widgets/index/swf/badge.swf?xn_version=124632088" FlashVars="backgroundColor=0xFFFFFF&textColor=0xFF1A45&config=http%3A%2F%2Fteacherpop.ning.com%2Fmain%2Fbadge%2FshowPlayerConfig%3Fxg_source%3Dbadge%26size%3Dmedium" width="206" height="174" bgColor="#FFFFFF" scale="noscale" allowScriptAccess="always" allowFullScreen="true" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"> </embed><br /><small><a href="http://teacherpop.ning.com">Visit <em>TeacherPop</em></a></small><br />

Hopefully my badge worked! :))
I think that teacher pop looks like a great tool for student teachers and teachers. This is a great way to share information. How cool is it that it was created at Austin Peay?!?
I am a member of several online communities through facebook and twitter. However, I am not on any other social networking sites outside of those, well until now! I joined teacher pop, and it looks amazing! Can't wait to use it more! Craftster looks very cool, I love doing crafts in my down time, so I will likely check that out after finals! I also see that IMDB is on there, I would not have thought to place this among the other sites, but I have been using that for years.

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