
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thing #4

Commenting on blogs can be a great way to connect with others who are teaching across the US, or even worldwide. I think that it is a great way to share ideas about what does and does not work with students as far as educational ideas with students within the same grade. For example, if I am teaching 3rd grade, I might follow a blog of another 3rd grade teacher in Montana. I will comment on his/her classroom ideas and try to use a few in my own classroom. I would also comment on his/her blog and s/he would probably comment back on mine so that the sharing of ideas is constant. This is a great way to encourage each other to try new things to see what works best! This creates a great sense of community for teachers across the US, because eventually we will all be teaching the same thing at the same time!
A few of the points of reading and commenting that I found important were: 1) To get input from peers 2)To learn new ideas and concepts from others 3) To let others know that you appreciate them sharing ideas.
I commented on Kilmer's Thing #1 to say a quick hello and let him know that I look forward to working with everyone on the 23 things. 
I commented on Jeri Thomas's Thing #12 to let her know that I cannot wait to play around with the translator.
I commented on Margaret McCoy's thing #3 saying "I really like your idea about children posting their work to blogs! Parents can easily monitor their progress that way! Also having them post questions is also a great idea because I know most kids will not ask questions in class for fear of humiliation."
I commented on Taylor Bumpus's thing #1 to let her know that I too succeed and struggle with the same learning habits.
I commented on Sunny Peterson's things 5&6 to let her know that I am also intimidated by technology at times, but find no problem with using it for personal use.

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