
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thing #10

I really like the RSS and newsreaders. I have several different sites that I visit often, and this way I can just look at the blogs all in one place. I knew that there was a way to do this, but I was only familiar with the apps on my phone that allowed this. I think that I can use this technology in my classroom by using articles that I am interested in, and I can learn from others ideas for their classrooms. I can see what did and didn't work for their students. Education is constantly changing, and if I can see new ideas all in one place, that saves me a ton of time!I am not sure how to add my reader as public, and the help site wasn't working, so I added it to my google, if you want to access it, you can try to from here! here are a few of the sites that I subscribed to so maybe you can check them out. paleomg.com    crossfitsolafide.com

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