
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Thing #3

For my education program, I can use a blog for future students to read so that they can better understand the expectations of the education program. If I post work, they can view it so that they know if they are on the right track. Not that I always am, but I can also talk about my mistakes with the assignments so that maybe they won't make the same ones. 

For my classroom, I may use my blog for several ideas. I could keep parents updated on progress throughout the year as well as offer details about projects that the students will be doing. I think that I could also post ideas and examples of work so that parents are aware of what the expectations are. It could also be a unique tool for displaying artwork that the children do. Classroom behavioral issues may be addressed in a blog. For instance, if children are talking too much during class, it may be posted on the blog for parents to see so that they may instruct children to talk less during class so that the teacher may teach and students can learn more during class time. The blog can be used for parents to get to know their teacher better by reading past blogs. It will likely make parents more comfortable with the teacher. 


  1. I think your ideas are great, but it's really hard to see your ideas as you intended because of the highlighted sections which makes it difficult to read.

  2. You had some great input regarding using a blog for classroom purposes. I suppose you will make two different blogs, one for students and parents and another for fellow teachers; this way, there is no conflicting blogs. I also noticed that you mentioned behavior issues being addressed via blog. Not sure with the actual rules and guidelines say about this, but I assume that this kind of issue should be handled in private. Trust me, I am all about airing some dirty laundry so that parents can take responsibility for their children’s misbehavior, I am just not sure how this will go over with the parents or administration.

    1. Thanks for the input, I see where that could be a problem with parents. I was thinking more along the lines of addressing general behavioral issues rather than calling a child (or specific children) out by name, which would probably land me a great position in the unemployment line! It may be best to avoid the situation altogether though!

  3. Jessica, you presented some good ideas on how to use your blog in the classroom. Some other ideas to use blogs in the classroom are as follow: You can have a project set up like the 23 things is for your own students to complete; you can record yourself teaching and post it to a class blog so that if a student misses class or they did not understand something the first time, then they could go listen/watch the recording; and another way to use blogging in the class room is that you can post extra credit work or websites that might extend on the students knowledge of the lesson you taught or going to teach.

  4. I like that you considered your blog as a helpful tool for other students going through the same program as you. I agree that your blog will help others remain on track in their own writings.
